What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
The main programs I used whilst constucting this product are Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 and blogger. I used Photoshop to produce my entire magazine- working with layout, typography and image. Blogger allowed me to publish all my written work- research, planing and development.
Other features used:
- IMovie: This is the programme I used to produce my videos for my blog.
- YouTube: I used youtube to publish my videos online for my blog.
- Slideshare: To present Powerpoints I have made during my research or evaluation.
- Afterlight: an iphone app to edit photos that I used on my contents page.
Technology Hard-Ware:
- NIKON D3200- For the photo shoot
- iPhone: To photograph the gig images for the contents page.
- Mac Desktop which had all the applications I used on it.
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